Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May we continue
to open our hearts and minds,
in order to work ceaselessly for the benefit
of all beings.
May we go to the places that scare us.
May we lead the life of a warrior.
-- Pema Chodron

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not Blind / Walk Fine / I Must Be Deaf

Ignorance abounds in the Lakewood Library where BRIDGET, my assistance dog, and I can often be found We both took it for granted after receiving initial permission that all was well Then on Sunday I was approached by a librarian who, in an amazingly loud voice, told me that dogs weren't allowed I informed him that she is an assistance dog and his reply, given quite loudly, was that she was not allowed in the library unless she was clearly identifiable as an assistance dog Here's an irony: I need an assistance dog for my general anxiety disorder and am being challenged by a staff member in such a loud tone that the entire place is hearing the conversation Needless to say, I would have agreed to anything he wanted just to make him stop shouting at me OK, we know that I'm not blind and Bridget is obviously not a seeing-eye dog, nor is she a mobility dog, therefore she must be a --um, uh-- HEARING dog It registered with me later that the librarian must have decided that my disbility was deafness Time for some sensitivity training at the Lakewood Public Library

UPDATE: After suffering anguish over what to do about needing Bridget with me at the Library, I went up to the front and told a sympathetic libraian what had happened and that I really needed my dog with me She gave me approval and today I checked in at the front desk again with Bridget and had the same librarian come with me to tell the other employees that Bridget was allowed So my solution is to check in each time to get approval; this makes me happy because I very much need and appreciate public libraries!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Parents Charged with Medical Abuse Son Has Fibromyalgia -- Please Help

The Baldwins are a family in trauma The parents of Ryan have been charged with medical abuse because their 16-year-old son is severely disabled from Fibromyalgia and several other invisible diseases Ryan Baldwin was removed from his family early this year He is currently isolated in a foster home 3 hours away from his family and without access to necessities such as his wheelchair and study aids The parents' informational website is linked to the headline above Please do what you can to help I am including Ryan's address so he may be sent a card or letter: Ryan Baldwin, c/o SW Andrea Biffle, PO BOX 7408, Dept of Social Services ( DSS ), Asheville, NC 28802-7408 Please note that because this mail goes through Ryan's caseworker, any mention of his illness or situation may prevent delivery

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lydia Pinkham's Pink Pills Will Cure All Your Aches & Pains -- Guaranteed!

More and more snake-oil salesmen are online touting miracle cures for FM/CFIDS "I am free from fibro-pain and living a normal full life," they announce These pimps deserve time in purgatory for taking money under the worst of circumstances from vulnerable people And the dregs of the entire lot are the ones who put their **** on Christian sites

Never NEVER pay money for a miracle cure online or to purchase training material that is supposed to explain some "secret" If I believe that taking vitamin C and magnesium supplements help me, then I will flat-out tell you and not charge you anything As the old Shadow radio series said, "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men!"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What An Inspiration

Click on the title above to watch this homely unemployed middle-aged woman fulfill her promise to her deceased mother and make her wish to become a famous singer come true

Live / Love / Learn / Laugh

GRADUATE STUDENT: I have returned to my Master's program in Secondary Education (photo of me, in gold sweater, with ODU classmates) Immediately, I will be completing undergraduate requirements and next retaking two classes this fall Then it's my final internship Am both thrilled and scared because it's truly now or never
Today was my VocRehab intake appointment and if all goes well, they will pick up my scholarship for my last year, not counting summer credits which other monies have to be found for
It is scary to know that I truly may not be able to finish--although not for lack of trying It is thrilling to know that the resources truly are out there for non-traditional students if one is creative and persistent So I'm holding my nose and jumping in -- look out below!
BACKGROUND INFO: From 2004-2006 I was enrolled in a distance-learning program out of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia to get my Master's in teaching I dropped out due to my condition deteriorating as a result of trauma and grief issues (deaths of family and friends) It's been a life goal to go back to finish and then work with high-risk youth What has stopped me was the belief that somehow I would get better and now I realize I won't -- that's a hard row to hoe, as my Grandma used to say
So now chutzpah, resources and sweat will have to see me through My grandmother never finished the sixth grade and before she died she told me that the biggest disappointment in her life was that she wasn't allowed to go to school "Grandma, I know you're up there and in my corner on this!"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My CyberFamily

A huge GRACIAS to all the bloggers with fibromyalgia or other invisible disabilities who have shared their hearts and souls online and inspired me to do the same I honor you!

I Am A Daughter of Gideon

Gideon is a Biblical hero whose name means "mighty warrior' Yes, I am at war to achieve the best quality-of-life possible I also fight against intolerance, ignorance, injustice, poverty, and war It is a very big list but why dream small!
Speaking of Biblical heroes, I sometimes think about the unending exhaustion and grueling pain that anyone with fibromyalgia deals with and compare it (on a very small scale) to what Jesus had to deal with in his last days; is this what He meant by picking up my cross and following Him? It seems so when I can't remember my last pain-free day
"Stand up for your rights / Don't give up the fight" --Bob Marley

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ring the Living Bell

There needs to be a change in how the world views disabled people I am not a pitiable person; I am not a fibro-mite God, I hate that word! It sounds like a person with fibromyalgia has chiggers or a smaller stature than normal I am a Fibro-Warrior

Fighting a war with Medicaid to get Provigil which they have denied payment for and I can't afford to buy on my own, even from Canada So I have an administrative hearing in one month where I present my case before a judge and request that payment be allowed this drug which I desperately need to combat the chronic fatigue aspect of fibromyalgia

Have an attorney to fight my disability claim with Social Security

Am resolved to finish my Master's program and am gathering resources every day in order to do this Will write later on this very important aspect of my life as the pain forces me to stop now